Our tender fajitas are plated on a sizzling skillet with grilled onions and bell peppers and come with guacamole, pico de gallo, sour cream, and shredded cheese.
Served with your choice of two sides.
Beef Fajitas
Single - $19.99 Double - $33.49
Fajita Combo
Chicken and Beef Single - $20.99 Double - $33.99
Fajitas Trio
Chicken, Beef, and Shrimp Single - $21.99 Double - $35.00
Chicken Fajitas
Single - $18.99 Double - $29.99
Shrimp Fajitas
Single - $20.99 Double - $33.99
Mexican Fajitas
Beef or chicken, topped with onions, tomatoes, and jalapenos Single - $19.99 Double - $33.49