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Celebrate Cinco De Mayo With Us!

Thursday, May 5th, 2022
cinco de mayo at the plaza restaurant

Although it is not a major holiday in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has grown into a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage in the United States. If you’re looking for an excuse to celebrate, come see us at The Plaza Restaurant! Keep reading to learn 5 things about this holiday and why it’s celebrated.

drinks at the plaza restaurant

  1. A lot of people confuse this holiday with Mexico’s independence day. Mexico’s independence day is actually September 16th. Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that celebrates a significant battle against the French in 1862.
  2. Cinco de Mayo celebrates the victory of the Mexican army over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862.
  3. The holiday is not widely celebrated in Mexico. It’s mostly celebrated in the state of Puebla where they celebrate with parades honoring the army.
  4. Cinco de Mayo became mainstream in the US in the 1980s. Alcohol marketers started capitalizing on the holiday and began promoting it.
  5. Today Cinco de Mayo is celebrated all over the United States. In fact, it’s celebrated in the US more than it is in Mexico! People celebrate it with parties, mariachi music, alcohol, and lots of tacos!

Celebrate With Us!

If you’re looking to celebrate Cinco de Mayo this year, the Plaza Restaurant is the perfect place to be! We’ll be serving up some of our best Mexican dishes, and we’ve got a great selection of drinks to choose from. Check out our Locations to find a restaurant near you and view our Menu to see the wide array of options we have available.